Plan out your year ahead with these 5 pillars
Happy New Year 2022!!
New year, new you! Today, with this blog-letter issue I’m trying to help you make a change in yourself.
This is often overlooked - “Same shit, different year” we say and let the same shit define our days, weeks, months, and years. They become monotonous.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want them that way. I want this to be our best year!
And with that, let’s fix it. I found a plan.
This is from a podcast episode A Letter to Myself for the New Year by Alex Liberman, founder of Morning Brew. He talks about the five pillars to planning for his new year. That’s mainly the inspiration I’m taking as I type here. We change from the inside through habits, not goals.
“Habits are not a finish line to be crossed, they are a lifestyle to be lived”
- James clear(author of Atomic Habits)
Alrighty, we’re all different. I can’t write what should be good for you. So what I want you to do is read the points I wrote for myself and formulate changes that you want to see within yourself. Just like I did by listening to Alex making points for himself.
Here we go! The five pillars:
Family & Relations:
Have fewer, but more meaningful conversations with family members. Even if they are less frequent as once a week or two.
Relationships are an investment. It is super easy to be a passenger in a relationship, but that shorts the commitment they deserve. I need to improve upon the efforts I make towards friendships.
Physical health: During the first lockdown, back in 2020, I did build up a habit of working out regularly. All that faded off as I moved hometown 1.5 years back. Since then, I’ve been very lenient, and have gained fat. This has to change and I have to stick to my alternate days’ workout schedule. And move to a daily workout schedule starting the month of March.
Mental Health: I’m thankful for the peace of mind that I have had for most of the past year. The aim moving forward is to try going more out of my comfort zone this year, without affecting my mental health much. I have to keep a fixed break schedule, making Wednesday evenings work-free and Sunday no-screen days.
I’m grateful to have been able to keep earning throughout the pandemic so far. Can’t ignore how hopeless it could’ve gotten without any financial movement. Now, I have been playing a little too much inside comfort zone. It’s time to go experimentation mode. I will try out some alternate income streams this year. Aim to start that in the second quarter.
Remember: Bigger dreams also have to have desirable targets. You don’t want to hustle struggle endlessly trying to climb the endless ladder of money growth.
To Improve: I haven’t been paying enough attention to my existing investments lately, also have been postponing the efforts to invest afresh. Get learning. Aim to start a course for fundamental analysis starting the first week of Feb.
Time management. It’s high time I fix that. I have been carelessly postponing any action towards this. This has been affecting both my office work and personal projects.
I have to stop using my phone too much until the office work is complete. The social-network hours need to be pushed strictly towards the evening.
This year, being somewhat more focused on experimentations, I have to prioritize my projects better than before. There should be no week without any update to TenorCards until at least the end of March.
Can’t just be working and focusing huh? Play here is anything that relaxes my mind. This shouldn’t have targets or goals that I have to achieve.
But in general, what I can say is that I have not been “Playing” enough.
From now, I’m making Wednesday evenings the chill days for me (unless it’s a day I have to send Knowledge•Day on). I can…
- Play PC games or retro games on the Raspberry PI
- Watch a movie or show
- Talk to people I haven’t talked to in a while.
^ This is the opposite of Sundays, where I plan to minimize screen usage.
Alrighty, that was it for this KD issue.
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